Functional Communication Training a Review and Practical Guide


This newspaper extends the Tiger, Hanley, and Bruzek (2008) review of functional communication training (FCT) by reviewing the published literature on reinforcement schedule thinning post-obit FCT As noted past Tiger et al. and others, schedule thinning may be necessary when the newly caused communication response occurs excessively, to the extent that reinforcing information technology consistently is not practical in the natural environment. We provide a review of this literature including a discussion of each of the more usually used schedule arrangements used for this purpose, outcomes obtained, a description of methods for progressing toward the terminal schedule, and a clarification of supplemental treatment components aimed at maintaining low levels of problem behavior during schedule thinning. Recommendations for schedule thinning are so provided. Finally, conceptual issues related to the reemergence of problem beliefs during schedule thinning and areas for hereafter research are discussed.


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Hagopian, Fifty.P., Boelter, E.W. & Jarmolowicz, D.P. Reinforcement Schedule Thinning Following Functional Advice Preparation: Review and Recommendations. Behav Analysis Practice four, 4–16 (2011).

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  • alternative activities
  • delay-to-reinforcement
  • demand fading
  • functional advice training
  • multiple schedules
  • penalization
  • response brake schedule thinning


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